We could have prepared for this natural disaster--but millions cheered while Bushtard took all the money out of funds for managing floods, construction of levees, etc, and sank it into his Goddamn senseless war. He also took 35% of the Louisiana National Guard and 40% of the Mississippi National Guard and sent them over to fight, along with a good portion of their equipment. Add to that the effects of Man-Made Global Warming (leading to superheated water in the Gulf of Mexico).
Pat Robertson would say, "God lifted the veil." And he would blame it on queers, liberal, the ACLU, et al. But it wasn't God. WE lifted the veil. We saw this coming--it almost happened last year--and we did NOTHING. We brought all this on ourselves through our hubris and greed and ego distention. Fighting Squinty's vanity war (and indulging our piggishness with regard to oil) was more important than preparing for this inevitable disaster. We made our decision, and this is our sacrifice: we have lost New Orleans, the most charming, civilized city in North America. It serves us right.
I got drunk last night (the first drop I touched since March) and listened to 1920s New Orleans jazz--I just really needed to. It was worth it.
I got drunk last night (the first drop I touched since March) and listened to 1920s New Orleans jazz--I just really needed to. It was worth it.