Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Bush has more flip-flops than a beachwear distributor. Yesterday he said we can't win the so-called "War or Terror"--and today he asserts we can. Well, which is it? Since trying to scare the shit out of Americans is the major Republican strategy, assuring us that Osama has a nuke aimed directly at our house, this faltering could cost George a few votes. Isn't Bush the ONLY one who can save us from Osama, rampaging wedded gays, and rogue stem-cell researchers? No? Then maybe that French-looking guy with all the Ketchup money might be worth checking out.

Last night, John McCain called Michael Moore "disingenuous." Isn't it disingenuous to pretend to be a moderate and beat the drum for the right-wing-nuttiest president we've ever had? One CANNOT be a moderate and support Bush. It's that simple. There is no longer any such thing as a "moderate Republican." The "moderate Republican" of today is actually a moderate Democrat. Why get suckered into voting for The Little Man Who Wasn't There when you can vote for someone who WAS, Swifty-Boat Judases notwithstanding?

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